Monday, 18 April 2011

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product? 

Whilst filming our opening i realised that keeping the camera steady and in the same place is a key part when it comes to editing. This makes the transitions alot smoother and editing generally easier. We also learnt that using a tripod makes shots better and have a smoother look.

Whilst editing me and my group realised that the school computers took a rather long time when we were uploading the footage as well as slowing it down when playing it back to us. So our group ended up using Kierans laptop to speed up our work rate.

When editing we used premiere elements. I was new to this software and hadn't really used it where as some members of my group had so i was learning with everystep. The main sections i learnt were the basic editing procedures such as cutting footage down and adding in transitions to make clips run smoothly together. I then went on to learn more advanced bits such as adding sound to clips and text.

Youtube was used alot when producing this opening, we used it many times to look for new editing techniques aswell as getting ideas on what to film. Youtube was also where we put all of our videos.

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