Monday, 31 January 2011

Shot list

Shot 1 is of the opening credits which i (kieran) have designed in a typography design.

Shot 2 is of an alarm clock on a table to set the time of the scene. (close up)

Shot 3 is of The Boss getting out of his bed (medium)

Shot 4 is of the boss washing his face in the mirror (close up)

Shot 5 is the boss sitting on his bed buttoning his shirt (medium shot)

Shot 6 is of the don tightening his tie (extreme close up)

Shot 7 is a shot of the boss walking downstairs (medium shot)

Shot 8 is of the boss switching the kettle on (extreme close up)

Shot 9 is of the boss putting toast in the toaster and the toast popping out again almost instantaneously (close up)

Shot 10 is a time lapse of the toast being eaten on a plate (close up)

Shot 11 is a shot of the kettle pouring in to a mug and a tim lapse of the tea getting drunk.(close up)

Shot 12 is of the boss opening the door from inside the house (medium shot)

Shot 13 is a first person shot of the boss closing the door, the shot then fades out

Shot 14 is a long shot of two characters running in the pleasantville effect (long shot)

Shot 15 is of the two characters running towards the camera (medium shot)

Shot 16 is of the characters feet running through a puddle (close up)

Shot 17 is of the characters reaching a patch of undergrowth/hedges (medium shot)

Shot 18 is a shot of the corner of a case sticking out of the hedge (extreme close up)

Shot 19 is a shot of the characters pulling the case out of the hedge/undergrowth (medium shot)

Shot 20 is of the characters walking away with the case (long shot)

Shot 21 is of the characters starting to walk down an alleyway (medium shot)

Shot 22 is a shot of a mysterious figure appearing at the other end of the alleyway, a baseball bat slides down from behind his arm (long shot)

Shot 23 uses the long shot from shot 22 and tracks down the alleyway to an extreme close up of the characters face and his expression changes more sinister.

Shot 24 is of the two mobsters looking worrid (close up)

Shot 25 is a shot of the mysterious figure walking away (long shot)

Shot 26 is of the characters cautiously carring on walking down the alleyway (medium shot)

Shot 27 is a first person view of the mobsters emerging from the alleyway and looking right

Shot 28 is a first person view of the mobsters looking left and see the mysterious figure hit him with the baseball bat, shot fades to black and a crashing/falling sound is heard.

Shot 29 is a first person view of the mobster on the floor at a canted angle showing the mysterious figure walking away with the case (the mobster might reach out with a bloody hand)

Shot 30 is a first person view of the mobster still on the floor at a canted angle but the shot starts to fade out as if the mobster is passing out and the eyes are closing and a passing out sound is played.

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