Monday, 6 December 2010

Notes from todays lesson

These are our notes from todays lesson.
  • Credits (possible sticky notes idea, sticky notes round house showing credits)

  • Character getting ready in morning ( process sped up eg. Kettle boiling, eating breakfast etc) – possibly link these two ideas together

  • Flashback when don exits house eyes looking straight to camera shot filled just by his eyes. Then fades to flashback in Pleasantville effect

  • Flashback shows the two henchman/gangsters running possibly away from something. Run to a hedge and pull out a suitcase they open it to see documents, money and gun in it. They then carry on running away, get to an alley and get halfway down it and a silhouette of a mysterious man appears at the end of the alley as the characters get close to him he has a weapon and manages to injure the characters and take the case and walks calmly off. 
  • Fades in from flashback and colours slowly seep back into next scene. Characters walking down the street joining paths from side streets looking suave and cool. (Don possibly falls over)

  • Shows title of movie and then fades to black


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