- In the preliminary task we followed the 180 degree rule through thoroughly. When using the 180 degree rule we filmed a lengthy conversation between me and Matt using a shot reverse shot making sure the 180 degree rule was followed correctly. In our opening we used the 180 degree rule when Kieran and Matt find the briefcase in the woods. We had to keep to the 180 degree rule because if we didn't the shot would not have been correct or continuous.
- In the preliminary task match on action was used when i open the door to enter the meeting with Matt. To make the shot continuous we shot it from three different angles which we later combined. We also used match on action in our two minute opening when Kieran and Matt find the case which they later open. It was alot smoorher in the two minute opening as we had alot of practise using the editing software since the preliminary task.
- In the preliminary task we used the shot reverse shot alot because of the conversation that we filmed. Me and Matt were having an interview in the clip so whilst applying to the 180 degree rule we had to use many shot reverse shots. In the two minute opening we only used the shot reverse shot slighty and that was when Matt and Kieran were in the alleyway whilst harry was at the other end. After the preliminary task we had alot of experience with the shot reverse shot so we managed to get everything running together smoothly.
Mitch skilton G321
Monday, 18 April 2011
Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?
What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
Whilst filming our opening i realised that keeping the camera steady and in the same place is a key part when it comes to editing. This makes the transitions alot smoother and editing generally easier. We also learnt that using a tripod makes shots better and have a smoother look.

Whilst filming our opening i realised that keeping the camera steady and in the same place is a key part when it comes to editing. This makes the transitions alot smoother and editing generally easier. We also learnt that using a tripod makes shots better and have a smoother look.
Whilst editing me and my group realised that the school computers took a rather long time when we were uploading the footage as well as slowing it down when playing it back to us. So our group ended up using Kierans laptop to speed up our work rate.
When editing we used premiere elements. I was new to this software and hadn't really used it where as some members of my group had so i was learning with everystep. The main sections i learnt were the basic editing procedures such as cutting footage down and adding in transitions to make clips run smoothly together. I then went on to learn more advanced bits such as adding sound to clips and text.
Youtube was used alot when producing this opening, we used it many times to look for new editing techniques aswell as getting ideas on what to film. Youtube was also where we put all of our videos.

Sunday, 17 April 2011
How did you attract/address your audience?
How did you attract/address your audience?
view the annotations on the video please.
view the annotations on the video please.
Who would be the audience for your media product?
Who would be the audience for your media product?

Our typical audience member is male because when researching what film genre to do we saw that the majority of people watching the films were male and between the age of 23 - 35. Many males enjoy films which have lots of action and suspense but also have a hidden meaning.
Many males take time out of the daily stress filled lives to watch films i believe our film fits the genre in which the male audience like so they would most likely watch it in their spare time. But our film is rated at an 18 so many males will be able to watch it by themselves and get into it without interruption from children or under 18's as there is most likely to be swearing and a lot of violence.
As you can see from the pictures above the typical viewer likes to keep a well dressed smart look mainly sporting designer clothes. Favorite music genres vary between rock and dance music listening to bands such as pendulum and fall out boy whilst watching many adult comedy tv programmes like family guy cleveland show and south park.
Our typical audience member is male because when researching what film genre to do we saw that the majority of people watching the films were male and between the age of 23 - 35. Many males enjoy films which have lots of action and suspense but also have a hidden meaning.
Many males take time out of the daily stress filled lives to watch films i believe our film fits the genre in which the male audience like so they would most likely watch it in their spare time. But our film is rated at an 18 so many males will be able to watch it by themselves and get into it without interruption from children or under 18's as there is most likely to be swearing and a lot of violence.
As you can see from the pictures above the typical viewer likes to keep a well dressed smart look mainly sporting designer clothes. Favorite music genres vary between rock and dance music listening to bands such as pendulum and fall out boy whilst watching many adult comedy tv programmes like family guy cleveland show and south park.
Saturday, 16 April 2011
What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
The production company in our two minute opening is made by takeing the first letter from everyones first name in our group. Togther it makes MKM (Mitch Kieran Matt), we arranged the letters to rersemble MGM studios. Our logo is the MKM letters in black with a white shadow
The main role for the production conmpany is to produce the film physically by using cameras to capture the actors on set.
In our film title there is no distributor company,if our film was to have a distributor company it would be either 20th century fox or universal because they would allow our film to branch out worldwide.
The funding from our film would most likely come from the national lottery fund as this is the main place to get money for your film as the uk film coucil has been shut down.
In the opening titles of our film the actors are shown to you in a small group near the begining with the actors name following them on screen. shortly after the director is also credited as he pays a major part in our opening.
Our film is manly similar to some top uk films such as hot fuzz and dawn of the dead because the didnt branch out to the rest of the world untill after they were realised in the uk.
The production company in our two minute opening is made by takeing the first letter from everyones first name in our group. Togther it makes MKM (Mitch Kieran Matt), we arranged the letters to rersemble MGM studios. Our logo is the MKM letters in black with a white shadow
The main role for the production conmpany is to produce the film physically by using cameras to capture the actors on set.
In our film title there is no distributor company,if our film was to have a distributor company it would be either 20th century fox or universal because they would allow our film to branch out worldwide.
The funding from our film would most likely come from the national lottery fund as this is the main place to get money for your film as the uk film coucil has been shut down.
In the opening titles of our film the actors are shown to you in a small group near the begining with the actors name following them on screen. shortly after the director is also credited as he pays a major part in our opening.
Our film is manly similar to some top uk films such as hot fuzz and dawn of the dead because the didnt branch out to the rest of the world untill after they were realised in the uk.
How does your media product represent particular social groups?
In these pictures i believe this is the best visual representation of myself and my character. The picture on the left is of Tony Montana the main character from the popular crime film Scarface.
I believe that our characters are very much the same as we both run mobs, we are the head of a large organisation and we both are involved in our organisations decline and fall under our feet and we spend the majority of the film trying to rebuild it and regain our spot at the top of the ladder.
Our costumes are very similar. We both dress smartly to show our superior positions and wealth. But in our opening im differnet to tony because i go out to assist my mob where as he just stay in the safeness of his compound.
Mine and tonys general appearence in the film are completely different. in most of scarface tony tends to look alot laid back and casual where as in our film i dress smartly to show that im serious and a commanding leader.
In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

In the second screen shot you can see one of our three shooting locations from our film opening. This shows how long the alleyway in which used was and the fact that you cant see the end. Matt and Kieran enter the alleyway at their own risk.
The third shot is of harry who is the bad guy in our film. He is in full costume holding one of the main props in our opening a baseball bat. We decided that harry should have a baseball bat instead of the conventional gun or knife as a beating from a baseball bat would be a lot more violent fitting the genre and outline of our opening. All of the characters are wearing suits to show that everyone is smart, organised and wealthy.
The fourth shot shows the moment in which i close the front door after the kitchen scene triggering a white flash showing the start of the flash back. This is one of the main sections of editing in our opening. We tried to make the white flash stand out and also make it a transition between the kitchen scene and the scene in the woods.
The fifth shot shows our titles and the colours and font we used. As you can see for our titles we used a black background with black font surrounded by a white shadow making the font standout and eye catching grabbing the audiences attention.
The sixth shot shows one of the main elements of the story. This shot is of Matt and Kieran finding the briefcase which is the main object of our opening. Them picking up the case is the beginning of my organisations crumble as you see later on in the opening the end up loosing the case to harry which contained a lot of money and documents to do with the success of my organisation so when you loose it i loose all power and a lot of money because other mobs now have my information which i use to succeed.
The seventh shot shows Kieran and Matt opening the case also exploiting the genre of our film. As you can see they are in the stereotypical gangster / mobster suits and ties, this showing that it is a film under the crime genre but there are elements of a thriller whilst watching. We decided to go for an old school crime film as wearing suits and having a smart look shows the power and wealth of our characters and the story lines and plots are just generally a lot better.
The eighth shot shows myself getting ready in the bedroom. This is one of the many ways which we introduce our characters into the opening. Matt and Kieran and introduced at the same time just after the white flash but the front door the are in a woods looking for the briefcase. Harry is introduced when Kieran and Matt reach the alleyway. He appears at the other end of the alleyway wielding a baseball bat.
Finally the ninth shot shot one of our special effects. This screen shot is taken mid way threw our crash zoom in the alleyway to Harry's face. The crash zoom was made by filming a long shot of us walking down the alleyway towards Harry's face. Then we sped up the shot in editing and added a sound bridge for the shot.

The fourth shot shows the moment in which i close the front door after the kitchen scene triggering a white flash showing the start of the flash back. This is one of the main sections of editing in our opening. We tried to make the white flash stand out and also make it a transition between the kitchen scene and the scene in the woods.
The fifth shot shows our titles and the colours and font we used. As you can see for our titles we used a black background with black font surrounded by a white shadow making the font standout and eye catching grabbing the audiences attention.
The sixth shot shows one of the main elements of the story. This shot is of Matt and Kieran finding the briefcase which is the main object of our opening. Them picking up the case is the beginning of my organisations crumble as you see later on in the opening the end up loosing the case to harry which contained a lot of money and documents to do with the success of my organisation so when you loose it i loose all power and a lot of money because other mobs now have my information which i use to succeed.
The seventh shot shows Kieran and Matt opening the case also exploiting the genre of our film. As you can see they are in the stereotypical gangster / mobster suits and ties, this showing that it is a film under the crime genre but there are elements of a thriller whilst watching. We decided to go for an old school crime film as wearing suits and having a smart look shows the power and wealth of our characters and the story lines and plots are just generally a lot better.
The eighth shot shows myself getting ready in the bedroom. This is one of the many ways which we introduce our characters into the opening. Matt and Kieran and introduced at the same time just after the white flash but the front door the are in a woods looking for the briefcase. Harry is introduced when Kieran and Matt reach the alleyway. He appears at the other end of the alleyway wielding a baseball bat.
Finally the ninth shot shot one of our special effects. This screen shot is taken mid way threw our crash zoom in the alleyway to Harry's face. The crash zoom was made by filming a long shot of us walking down the alleyway towards Harry's face. Then we sped up the shot in editing and added a sound bridge for the shot.
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